Senpex API v4 Documentation


This section represents classical API and contains requests used to create/ update orders and retrieve different data.

Senpex API supports two types of orders:

  • Urgent
  • Scheduled

The only difference between these requests is the value of the parameter "taken_asap". To create an urgent order "taken_asap" should have "1". In this case the date and time of the order will be considered as a current time. But if you need to create a scheduled order, lets say for tomorrow, "taken_asap" parameter, should have "0" and "schedule_date_local" must be added. You will find this in example below.

All API requests henceforth are required to add client id and secret id in the header
Key Datatype Description
clientid String Your client id
secretid String Your secret id

orders/dropoff/quote POST

This service allows you to obtain a delivery price estimate by providing the following parameters. It generates a token used in /orders/dropoff request which is valid for 60 minutes to create a new order.

This service allows user to create orders with One pick up address and one or many drop off addresses.

You will obtain a delivery price estimate depending on the size of your package, type of transport you chose and the drop-off address.

To create Urgent order set taken_asap as 1 and schedule_date_local as null.

To create Scheduled order set taken_asap as 0 and schedule_date_local can be set with any future date and time in following format "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM"

Depending upon the value for taken_asap , this request returns price for either urgent or scheduled order.

A full list of the parameters and their descriptions is shown below.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
order_name string


Order name
pack_from_text string


Address of pick-up location
transport_id integer


See all available [Transport types]
item_value integer


Estimated cost of your package
pack_size_id integer


See all available [Package size types]
taken_asap integer


If package has to be delivered urgently, value should be 1 else it is considered as a scheduled delivery and "schedule_date" parameter should also be provided
schedule_date_local string


Should be provided in UTC format, if "taken_asap" = 0
email string


Email which is used at registration in Senpex API Dashboard.
show_one_price integer


1 or 0 (1 = only one price , 0 = both prices), Will show only Scheduled delivery price if schedule_date is provided , otherwise it will show Urgent Delivery price
promo_code string


Promo code if available
order_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
route_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
rec_name string


John Conor
route_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
rec_phone integer


routes array


routes.route_to_text string


Address of drop-off location
routes.route_desc string


Delivery notes used for each drop-off address
routes.rec_name string


The name of Receiver at the drop-off address (can be empty, but in Order Creation process it is required.)
routes.rec_phone string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is 0 for successful request execution
is_user_registered boolean Returns true for a registered user
diff_in_minutes integer Difference in minutes
api_token string This token will be used for making payment in create_quick_order service
order_price float Calculated order amount for given parameters
original_order_price string Calculated order amount without discount
tariff_name string The name of Tariff plan
order_discount float Discount amount that has been used for promo code
tariff_id string Id of the tariff plan
promo_code_info string Promotion code if applied
company_id string Id of company
tariff_duration_mins string The maximum time (in minutes) for using this tariff plan .
distance_miles float The distance in mile from the pick-up to drop-off
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds for covering the distance
schedule_date string Date of the scheduled delivery
item_value string Estimated cost of your package
pack_size_id string See all available [Package size types]
transport_id string See all available [Transport types]
pack_from_lat float The latitude of the pick-up location
pack_from_lng float The longitude of the pick-up location
routes string Route details in string format
routes_json string Route details in json format
routes.route_to_text string The address of drop-off address
routes.route_desc string The route description, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_rec_name string The receiver name, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_rec_phone string The receiver phone, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_to_lat float The Latitude of drop-off address
routes.route_to_lng float The Longitude of drop-off address
route_distance float The distance of that route from pick-up to drop-off location
route_distance_time float The time to cover the distance of the route from pick-up to drop-off location
tariff_duration_hours float Total hours for the delivery
tariff_duration_days integer Total days for the delivery
expire_mins integer The expiry time of the api token (in minutes) .


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Body raw

body example code
  "email": "",
  "order_name": "Test order 1",
  "pack_from_text": "Santa Clara, USA",
  "transport_id": 3,
  "item_value": 100,
  "pack_size_id": 2,
  "taken_asap": 1,
  "schedule_date_local": null,
  "promo_code": "new25",
  "order_desc": "Test package description",
  "route_desc": "Test pickup Instructions",
  "rec_name": "John",
  "rec_phone": "+12345679012",
  "routes": [
      "route_to_text": "185 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA",
      "route_desc": "dropoff Instructions",
      "rec_name": "John Doe",
      "rec_phone": "+12345679019",
      "route_to_lat": 37.4447253,
      "route_to_lng": -122.1631407
      "route_to_text": "Fremont, CA, USA",
      "route_desc": "dropoff Instructions",
      "rec_name": "John Doe",
      "rec_phone": "+12345679019",
      "route_to_lat": 37.4447253,
      "route_to_lng": -122.1631407

Example Request curl

orders/dropoff/quote - example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "",
  "order_name": "Test order 1",
  "pack_from_text": "Santa Clara, USA",
  "transport_id": 3,
  "item_value": 100,
  "pack_size_id": 2,
  "taken_asap": 1,
  "schedule_date_local": null,
  "promo_code": "new25",
  "order_desc": "Test package description",
  "route_desc": "Test pickup Instructions",
  "rec_name": "John",
  "rec_phone": "+12345679012",
  "routes": [
      "route_to_text": "185 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA",
      "route_desc": "dropoff Instructions",
      "rec_name": "John Doe",
      "rec_phone": "+12345679019",
      "route_to_lat": 37.4447253,
      "route_to_lng": -122.1631407
      "route_to_text": "Fremont, CA, USA",
      "route_desc": "dropoff Instructions",
      "rec_name": "John Doe",
      "rec_phone": "+12345679019",
      "route_to_lat": 37.4447253,
      "route_to_lng": -122.1631407

orders/dropoff PUT

This service allows the user to confirm a new order.

To create a new order, first send a POST/orders/dropff/quote request. This will return "api_token" in the response. Using this token user can send this PUT request to confirm this new order. User may choose to add tip in this request while confirming this order. The parameter used to add tip is "tip_amount"

Note: api_token expires in 60 minutes after creating and it can be used for creating one order only.

Any data that was sent through "dropoff/quote" can be updated through this request.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
api_token string


Token received from get_price request
email string


Email of API account owner. This field determines the name of sender(partner) and predefined pricing options
sender_name string


Name of sender/store/restaurant
sender_cell string


Phone number of sender/store/restaurant
sender_desc string


Senders notes and instructions.
order_desc string


Any delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
routes array List of routes
routes.rec_name string


The name of receiver (Should be provided if not provided in "get_price" service)
routes.rec_phone string


The phone number of receiver (Should be provided if not provided on "get_price" service)
snpx_user_email integer


1 = will send an email with password to user, if this email id does not exist in the system, 0 = will not send email
snpx_order_email integer


1 = will send email about orders, 0 = will not send email
snpx_order_not integer


1 = will send push notifications to a user if "device_id" will be provided, 0 = will not send notifications
search_courier integer


1 = start searching for a courier just after creating a package, 0 = will not search for courier until "update_order_nots" will not be requested
tip_amount integer


Through this parameter tips from clients are being send. By default it is 0

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
inserted_id integer The newly created order id
distance float The distance in miles from the pick-up to drop-off
distance_time float Time in seconds to cover the distance


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Body raw

body example code
  "email": "",
  "api_token": "{{api_token}}",
  "tip_amount": 25

Example Request curl

orders/dropoff - example request
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "",
  "api_token": "{{api_token}}",
  "tip_amount": 25

orders-list GET

With this request user can retrieve a list and information of most recent 12 orders created for a particular account.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data array List of all orders
id string The order id
order_name string The name of order
sender_name string The name of order owner
pack_size_id string Size of package
pack_transport_id string Selected transport id
pack_from_lat string Latitude of pick-up address
pack_from_lng string Longitude of pick-up address
pack_from_text string The pick-up address
taken_asap string 1 is for Urgent deliver, 0 for Scheduled delivery
schedule_date string Scheduled date of Order
distance_miles string Distance between pick-up and drop_off address
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds between pick-up and drop_off address
pack_map_img string The link to google map image
pack_price string The price of the order
rest_api_vers string Version of API that created order
route_count string The count of drop-off addresses
last_pack_to_lat string Latitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_lng string Longitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_text string The address of last drop_off location
last_receiver_name string The name of receiver on last last drop-off address
last_receiver_phone_number string The phone number of receiver on last drop-off address
conn_client_name string Order Creation Source
pack_status string Order Status
order_status_text string The Order Status text
courier_name string The name of courier if already assigned
courier_surname string The surname of courier if already assigned
courier_cell string The phone number of courier if already assigned
sender_surname string The surname of order owner
sender_cell string The phone number of order owner
sender_email string The email of order owner
sender_user_id string The ID of order owner
status_sender string The Order Status text


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Example Request curl

orders-list - example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders-list (Extended search) GET

WIth this request user can retrieve a list and information of 12 orders created for a particular account starting from 13th record/order.

User can choose to set start = "desired row number" in order to retrive a list from a particular record at starting point.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data array List of all orders
id string The order id
order_name string The name of order
sender_name string The name of order owner
pack_size_id string Size of package
pack_transport_id string Selected transport id
pack_from_lat string Latitude of pick-up address
pack_from_lng string Longitude of pick-up address
pack_from_text string The pick-up address
taken_asap string 1 is for Urgent deliver, 0 for Scheduled delivery
schedule_date string Scheduled date of Order
distance_miles string Distance between pick-up and drop_off address
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds between pick-up and drop_off address
pack_map_img string The link to google map image
pack_price string The price of the order
rest_api_vers string Version of API that created order
route_count string The count of drop-off addresses
last_pack_to_lat string Latitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_lng string Longitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_text string The address of last drop_off location
last_receiver_name string The name of receiver on last last drop-off address
last_receiver_phone_number string The phone number of receiver on last drop-off address
conn_client_name string Order Creation Source
pack_status string Order Status
order_status_text string The Order Status text
courier_name string The name of courier if already assigned
courier_surname string The surname of courier if already assigned
courier_cell string The phone number of courier if already assigned
sender_surname string The surname of order owner
sender_cell string The phone number of order owner
sender_email string The email of order owner
sender_user_id string The ID of order owner
status_sender string The Order Status text


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}


start: 12

Example Request curl

orders-list (Extended search)- example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/details/order-id GET{ new_order_id }

This request allows user to retrieve all details about a specific, previously created order by providing order_id.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data object List of all orders
id string The order id
instant_not_url string Webhook URL provided by you earlier
order_name string The name of order
pack_size_id string Size of package
pack_transport_id string Selected transport id
pack_from_lat string Latitude of pick-up address
pack_from_lng string Longitude of pick-up address
pack_from_text string The pick-up address
taken_asap string 1 is for Urgent deliver, 0 for Scheduled delivery
schedule_date string Scheduled date of Order
distance_miles string Distance between pick-up and drop_off address
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds between pick-up and drop_off address
pack_map_img string The link to google map image
pack_price string The price of the order
rest_api_vers string Version of API that created order
route_count string The count of drop-off addresses
last_pack_to_lat string Latitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_lng string Longitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_text string The address of last drop_off location
last_receiver_name string The name of receiver on last last drop-off address
last_receiver_phone_number string The phone number of receiver on last drop-off address
conn_client_name string Order Creation Source
pack_status string Order Status
order_status_text string The Order Status text
courier_name string The name of courier if already assigned
courier_surname string The surname of courier if already assigned
courier_cell string The phone number of courier if already assigned
sender_surname string The surname of order owner
sender_cell string The phone number of order owner
sender_email string The email of order owner
sender_user_id string The ID of order owner
status_sender string The Order Status text
order_images array List of order images
order_images.pack_img string The link to original image uploaded by sender / courier
order_images.inserted_date string The datetime when image was uploaded
order_images.img_type string 1 = uploaded by sender , 2 uploaded by courier
order_images.pack_img_status string The status of order on which image has been uploaded
history array List of operations on that order
history.operation_name string The name of operation
history.operation_date string The datetime of operation
history.pack_status string Order Status
routes array List of routes
routes.route_to_text string The address of drop-off address
routes.route_to_lat string The Latitude of drop-off address
routes.route_to_lng string The Longitude of drop-off address
routes.route_status string Route Status
routes.route_delivery_date string Datetime when the order was delivered
rec_phone string Receivers phone number
rec_name string Receivers name
route_delivery_date string Receivers order receipt date
route_distance string Route distance
route_distance_time string Route time to reach from pick-up to this drop-off

If "include_images", "include_history" and "include_routes" are not provided in the request, the response will not have "order_images", "history" and "routes"


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Example Request curl

orders/details/order-id- example request
curl --location -g '{{new_order_id}}' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/routes/route_id GET{route_id}

This requests allows user retrieve all route information about a specific route by passing "route id" in the url.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data object Route details
route_to_text string The address of drop-off address
route_to_lat string The Latitude of drop-off address
route_to_lng string The Longitude of drop-off address
route_status string Route Status
route_delivery_date string Datetime when the order was delivered
rec_phone string Receivers phone number
rec_name string Receivers name
route_delivery_date string Receivers order receipt date
route_distance string Route distance
route_distance_time string Route time to reach from pick-up to this drop-off

If "include_images", "include_history" and "include_routes" are not provided in the request, the response will not have "order_images", "history" and "routes"


secretid: { secret_id }
clientid: { client_id }

Example Request curl

orders/routes/route_id - example request
curl --location -g '{{route_id}}' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/tokens/api_token GET{pickup_api_token}

This request allows user to retrieve all details of an specific, previously created order with the use of api token by passing that api token in the url.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data array List of all orders
id string The order id
order_name string The name of order
sender_name string The name of order owner
pack_size_id string Size of package
pack_transport_id string Selected transport id
pack_from_lat string Latitude of pick-up address
pack_from_lng string Longitude of pick-up address
pack_from_text string The pick-up address
taken_asap string 1 is for Urgent deliver, 0 for Scheduled delivery
schedule_date string Scheduled date of Order
distance_miles string Distance between pick-up and drop_off address
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds between pick-up and drop_off address
pack_map_img string The link to google map image
pack_price string The price of the order
rest_api_vers string Version of API that created order
route_count string The count of drop-off addresses
last_pack_to_lat string Latitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_lng string Longitude of last drop-off address
last_pack_to_text string The address of last drop_off location
last_receiver_name string The name of receiver on last last drop-off address
last_receiver_phone_number string The phone number of receiver on last drop-off address
conn_client_name string Order Creation Source
pack_status string Order Status
order_status_text string The Order Status text
courier_name string The name of courier if already assigned
courier_surname string The surname of courier if already assigned
courier_cell string The phone number of courier if already assigned
sender_surname string The surname of order owner
sender_cell string The phone number of order owner
sender_email string The email of order owner
sender_user_id string The ID of order owner
status_sender string The Order Status text


secretid: { secret_id }
clientid: { client_id }

Example Request curl

orders/tokens/api_token - example request
curl --location -g '{{pickup_api_token}}' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/order_id/driver-location/ GET{new_order_id}/driver-location/

This request retrieves Driver's details for a specific , previously created order.

Request response returns Null if no driver is assigned for this order.

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is always 0 for successful retrieve response
data onj Driver details
pack_status string Order status
order_status string Order status
courier_name string Name of the assigned courier
courier_surname string Last name of the assigned courier
courier_phone_number string Assigned Courier's phone number
last_lng string Last longitude of the assigned courier's location
last_lat string Last latitude of the assigned courier's location
last_timezone string Courier's time zone
last_location_date string The date that courier has been in this location (UTC TIME)
last_seen_date string The date of courier's last APP usage
snpx_email integer 1 =enabled , 0 = disabled
snpx_nots integer 1 =enabled , 0 = disabled
snpx_sms integer 1 =enabled , 0 = disabled
snpx_instant_not string 1 =enabled , 0 = disabled
instant_not_url string


secretid: { secret_id }
clientid: { client_id }

Example Request curl

orders/order_id/driver-location/ - example request
curl --location -g '{{new_order_id}}/driver-location/' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/cancel/order-id PUT{new_order_id}}

With this request, User can cancel a specific , previously created order.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
order_id integer The unique order id generated with new order creation


Key Datatype Description
refund_amount float The refunded amount after order cancellation


secretid: { secret_id }
clientid: { client_id }

Example Request curl

orders/cancel/order-id - example request
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{new_order_id}}' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data ''

orders/pickup/quote POST

This service allows user to obtain a delivery price estimate for one drop off and one or many pickup addresses.

It also generates a token used in /orders/pickup request which is valid for 60 minutes to create a new order.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
order_name string


Order name
transport_id integer


See all available [Transport types]
item_value integer


Estimated cost of your package
pack_size_id integer


See all available [Package size types]
taken_asap integer


If package has to be delivered urgently, value should be 1 else it is considered as a scheduled delivery and "schedule_date" parameter should also be provided
schedule_date_local string


Should be provided in UTC format, if "taken_asap" = 0
email string


Email which is used at registration in Senpex API Dashboard.
show_one_price integer


1 or 0 (1 = only one price , 0 = both prices), Will show only Scheduled delivery price if schedule_date is provided , otherwise it will show Urgent Delivery price
promo_code string


Promo code if available
order_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
route_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
rec_name string


John Conor
route_desc string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
rec_phone integer


routes array


routes.route_to_text string


Address of drop-off location
routes.route_desc string


Delivery notes used for each drop-off address
routes.rec_name string


The name of Receiver at the drop-off address (can be empty, but in Order Creation process it is required.)
routes.rec_phone string


General delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code string It is 0 for successful request execution
is_user_registered boolean Returns true for a registered user
diff_in_minutes integer Difference in minutes
api_token string This token will be used for making payment in create_quick_order service
order_price float Calculated order amount for given parameters
original_order_price string Calculated order amount without discount
tariff_name string The name of Tariff plan
order_discount float Discount amount that has been used for promo code
tariff_id string Id of the tariff plan
promo_code_info string Promotion code if applied
company_id string Id of company
tariff_duration_mins string The maximum time (in minutes) for using this tariff plan .
distance_miles float The distance in mile from the pick-up to drop-off
distance_time_seconds string Time in seconds for covering the distance
schedule_date string Date of the scheduled delivery
item_value string Estimated cost of your package
pack_size_id string See all available [Package size types]
transport_id string See all available [Transport types]
pack_from_lat float The latitude of the pick-up location
pack_from_lng float The longitude of the pick-up location
routes string Route details in string format
routes_json string Route details in json format
routes.route_to_text string The address of drop-off address
routes.route_desc string The route description, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_rec_name string The receiver name, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_rec_phone string The receiver phone, if it was passed in the request
routes.route_to_lat float The Latitude of drop-off address
routes.route_to_lng float The Longitude of drop-off address
route_distance float The distance of that route from pick-up to drop-off location
route_distance_time float The time to cover the distance of the route from pick-up to drop-off location
tariff_duration_hours float Total hours for the delivery
tariff_duration_days integer Total days for the delivery
expire_mins integer The expiry time of the api token (in minutes) .


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Body raw

body example code
    "order_name": "Test ",
    "taken_asap": 1,
    "transport_id": 1,
    "item_value": 200,
    "pack_size_id": 1,
    "promo_code": "",
    "order_desc": "TEST ORDER DESC",
    "routes": [
            "route_to_text": "19590 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA",
            "rec_name": "customer client",
            "rec_phone": "6507883883"
            "route_to_text":"2898 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA",
            "route_desc": 123235
            "route_to_text":"1202 Apollo Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, United States",
            "route_desc": 123235
            "route_to_text":"1082 East El Camino Real ste 2, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA",
            "route_desc": 123235
            "route_to_text":"1154 Sonora Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA ",
            "route_desc": 123235

Example Request curl

orders/pickup/quote - example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data '{
    "order_name": "Test ",
    "taken_asap": 1,
    "transport_id": 1,
    "item_value": 200,
    "pack_size_id": 1,
    "promo_code": "",
    "order_desc": "TEST ORDER DESC",
    "routes": [
            "route_to_text": "19590 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA",
            "rec_name": "customer client",
            "rec_phone": "6507883883"
            "route_to_text":"2898 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA",
            "route_desc": 123235

orders/pickup PUT

This service allows the user to confirm a new order.

To create a new order, first send a "POST/orders/pickup/quote" request. This will return "api_token" in the response. Using this token user can send this PUT request to confirm new order. User may choose to add tip in this request while confirming this order. The parameter used to add tip is "tip_amount"

Note: api_token expires in 60 minutes after creating and it can be used for creating one order only.

Any data that was sent through "pickup/quote" can be updated through this request.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
api_token string


Token received from get_price request
email string


Email of API account owner. This field determines the name of sender(partner) and predefined pricing options
sender_name string


Name of sender/store/restaurant
sender_cell string


Phone number of sender/store/restaurant
sender_desc string


Senders notes and instructions.
order_desc string


Any delivery notes(Usually it is a gate code, apartment number and so on)
routes array List of routes
routes.rec_name string


The name of receiver (Should be provided if not provided in "get_price" service)
routes.rec_phone string


The phone number of receiver (Should be provided if not provided on "get_price" service)
snpx_user_email integer


1 = will send an email with password to user, if this email id does not exist in the system, 0 = will not send email
snpx_order_email integer


1 = will send email about orders, 0 = will not send email
snpx_order_not integer


1 = will send push notifications to a user if "device_id" will be provided, 0 = will not send notifications
search_courier integer


1 = start searching for a courier just after creating a package, 0 = will not search for courier until "update_order_nots" will not be requested
tip_amount integer


Through this parameter tips from clients are being send. By default it is 0

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
inserted_id integer The newly created order id
distance float The distance in miles from the pick-up to drop-off
distance_time float Time in seconds to cover the distance


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Body raw

body example code
  "email": "",
  "api_token": "{{api_token}}",
  "tip_amount": 25

Example Request curl

orders/pickup - example request
          curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "",
  "api_token": "{{pickup_api_token}}",
  "tip_amount": 15

orders/driver/rate PUT

This request allows user to provide rating for a specific driver. To be able to run this request Driver is required to be assigned to an order and using this order id, user can further provide ratings for driver's services.

Request Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
Order_id string The order id
rate_val integer rating for driver

Response Parameters:

Key Datatype Description
code integer 0 for successful execution
inserted_id integer The distance in miles from the pick-up to drop-off
msgtext string Show message if courier is already rated by you


secretid: {{ secret_id }}
clientid: {{ client_id }}

Body raw

body example code
  "order_id": "{{pickup_neworder_id}}",
  "rate_val": "5"

Example Request curl

orders/driver/rate - example request
    curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'secretid: {{secret_id}}' \
--header 'clientid: {{client_id}}' \
--data '{
  "order_id": "{{pickup_neworder_id}}",
  "rate_val": "5"